Trenton Johnson (dot com)

SAMBA and ExFAT Issues

SAMBA and ExFAT Issues

Leaving this as a note to posterity, and possibly to save my own sanity at some future date. TLDR: Don't host SAMBA shares on an ExFAT volume. At the church which I now pastor (wait...when did that happen?!), we use an RPi4 to host a few simple server tasks--among...

Adventures in Thermal Throttling and Dual Booting

Adventures in Thermal Throttling and Dual Booting

I'm documenting this here, in the hopes that it may help someone else down the road. I recently inherited a Lenovo IdeaPad S340 from someone who had dumped an entire glass of water across it. After drying out for an appropriate amount of time, the laptop boots but is...



I was recently chatting with a colleague, discussing a situation he had witnessed involving a man we'll call Frank. He told me about a difficult decision that Frank had been forced to make. My colleague ultimately disagreed with the decision that Frank had made, but...

On Loan

On Loan

The constant change used to frustrate me. I would invest time into a team member, pour my heart into them, watch them grow, and then...poof! They would be on to the next big adventure, and I'd be left trying to fill the remaining void. It was frustrating to put that...



It started out as a passing whim today–I began hunting to find out what had happened to one of my favorite worship blog authors from a few years back.  His posts had slowed to almost none over the last year, and I had caught rumors of a major shakeup in his...

Leadership Myths

Leadership Myths

Here, in no particular order, are a few myths about leadership that I used to believe. Good leaders are born that wayGood leaders enjoy dealing with conflictGood leaders are (or should be) smarter/better than the rest of their teamGood leaders are...

Hope Is Alive!

Hope Is Alive!

“When the storms of life are raging all around, I know to put my trust in Christ!” I am not often so completely overwhelmed by the presence of God as I was this last week in service at New Hope Oahu, while my wife lay in the nearby hospital connected to more...

Who Is Your Dictionary?

Who Is Your Dictionary?

Words are curious things. By themselves, they aren’t much–a few vowels, and a consonant or two. Words are meaningless except for the meaning attached to them. Yet, words are ever-changing.  A quick look at the number of revisions of Webster’s Dictionary will show that...

Cheating Efficiently, Part 3

Cheating Efficiently, Part 3

Last week we looked at three apps that have helped me to overcome weaknesses in work and communication. This week, I’ll be sharing three apps that have helped me with maintaining access to information that I need. General Data Archiving – Evernote Evernote is, without...

Cheating Efficiently, Part 2

Cheating Efficiently, Part 2

Last time, I shared with you some of my learning process in realizing that we all ‘cheat’, and have to find ways to overcome or circumvent our own weaknesses and shortcomings.  Here are the first three (and a half) tools I’d like to share with you, which...

Cheating Efficiently

Cheating Efficiently

I loved and hated that brown leather daily planner in equal measure. I’m not sure why-perhaps I hated it because my father told me I had to carry and use it. That, and the fact that I never thought I had anything important enough to write in it. It looked...

A New Start

Today’s object lesson on the importance of backups is brought to you by….your’s truly. Thankfully I didn’t have much content here originally, so there wasn’t much for my friendly neighborhood script kiddy to deface. As the inaugural post of the freshly reinstalled...