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SOAP Devotions 10-17-24 – Kingdom Results

SOAP Devotions 10-17-24 – Kingdom Results

Following God always costs something. It may cost time, money, popularity, relationships, comfort, or even my life-but there will always be a cost. The question is, what price am I willing to pay, for what result? ==================== Scripture Acts 7: 1- 2 "And the...

Past Victories, Present Miracles

Past Victories, Present Miracles

I choose to honor and remember miracles and victories from my past--but I choose to live in the miracle of what God is doing today. ================ Scripture Ezra 3:12 "But many of the priests and Levites and heads of fathers' houses, old men who had seen the first...

Confirmation and Strength

Confirmation and Strength

How do I interact with those around me? Do I settle for shallow praise and flattery, or do I 'confirm' people in their calling? When I leave, do people feel challenged, encouraged, and strengthened...or criticized and discouraged? ====================== Scripture...

Family, not Guests

Family, not Guests

It's far simpler and safer to merely be hospitable to people as guests--but God calls me to welcome people into the family. =============================== Scripture Ezekiel 47:21-22 "So shall you divide this land among you according to the tribes of Israel. You shall...



When others turn a deaf ear, I must keep speaking truth. When others turn away, I must choose obedience instead of discouragement. When others ridicule, I must be faithful. ==================== Scripture Ezekiel 2:7 "And you shall speak my words to them, whether they...

Mourning for Moab

Mourning for Moab

If God can mourn as His judgment falls on the wicked Moabites, then I must learn to care just as deeply for those around me. Today I choose to let my heart rejoice, celebrate, mourn, grieve, and 'feel' for those around me--instead of reducing my interactions to mere...

Praying In Agreement With God

Praying In Agreement With God

Instead of telling God how to be God...I must bring my prayers to Him with an open hand: "God, here's the situation. It's out of my control, but I know you are sovereign. I'm inviting you into the mess, and I'm asking you to resolve this in a way which fulfills your...

Highs and Lows

Highs and Lows

The less-than-flattering parts of my journey are precisely the moments when God's goodness and faithfulness are most clearly seen. I want God to be glorified by my life: Not just the great parts, but all of it! ================================= Scripture Psalm...

Rise and Shine

Rise and Shine

The things that I receive from God are not merely a 'benefits package' for my own exclusive enjoyment: He has entrusted these things to me so that others would also come to know him. =========================== Scripture Isaiah 60:1 - "Arise, shine, for your light has...

The Ways and The Blessings

The Ways and The Blessings

I must be mindful to seek alignment with God's ways, instead of merely asking Him to bless me.  Today I choose full surrender: I want to fully yield to Him and fully seek Him, so that He can fully bless me. ================================== Scripture Isaiah...

Grace Under Fire

Grace Under Fire

When under fire I must trust that God is accomplishing something greater than I can currently see or comprehend, and simply say 'yes!' to His sovereignty and authority. Today I choose to glorify my Lord by surrendering to His plan...instead of becoming defensive....

The King Is Coming!

The King Is Coming!

I don't want to become so focused on the problems of this world, that I miss seeing my King. Today, I choose to be the watchman on the wall who is attentive to the present problems...but is eagerly watching for the returning King. The King is coming!!!...

A Different Kind of Leadership

A Different Kind of Leadership

Kingdom leadership requires daily investment from my heart. It requires me to wake up each morning, relying on guidance from God's word to inspire me and keep my own heart in check, and it requires me to listen closely to the quiet voice of the Holy Spirit to lead and...

Lord of the Fire and the Flood

Lord of the Fire and the Flood

If I am in Him and He is in me, then the flood and the flames are inconsequential because He is Lord of them both. The path may lead through, but it will not end there. =============== Scripture Isaiah 43:2 "When you pass through the waters, I will be with you;...

Honoring God Through My Marriage

Honoring God Through My Marriage

God cannot fully bless a partially-surrendered heart.  The way that I invest myself into my marriage directly affects my relationship with God! If I am uncaring, unloving, disengaged, unintentional, distant, or even simply lazy in my will impact my...

Joy In The Testing

Joy In The Testing

The testing of faith is an opportunity for rejoicing--not because the test is a joyful thing, but because genuine and well-placed faith will result in a revelation of Jesus Christ when tested. His presence is revealed not by an absence of trial...but by his...

The One Who Fights For Me

The One Who Fights For Me

My enemy roams like a roaring lion...but the Lamb of God fights on my behalf. My enemy is the destroyer...but the Creator fights on my behalf. My enemy is the father of lies...but He who is truth fights on my behalf! ==============================   Scripture 2...



This week, I choose to clean out the clutter in my heart and in my life so that God can freely use me as He sees fit, to accomplish His plans and purposes. ================================   Scripture 2 Chronicles 29:33-34 33 And the consecrated offerings were...