Exodus 35:29
“All the Israelite men and women who were willing brought to the Lord freewill offerings for all the work the Lord through Moses had commanded them to do.
What an amazing passage of scripture! The mission was large and complex–but simple at its core: “Build a place for God to dwell”. God gave them a direction and mission, and the entire community responded to fulfill the mission given to them by God. Jewelry, gold, yarn, linen, leather, silver, bronze, lumber, cloth, gemstones, spices, olive oil, and anointing oil–the ‘whole community’ gave what they had, to be used by God to fulfill His plan.
Moses shared the vision, (35:5) and everyone whose ‘heart moved them’ brought what they had. They continued to bring their offerings ‘morning after morning’ (36:3), to the point that Moses finally had to send out a cease and desist order throughout the camp, to get them to stop bringing offerings.
When the vision is clear, hearts unite. When hearts unite, blessings flow.
God has given us a mission! Our mission is to share the gospel of Jesus, make disciples, train leaders, and release the body of Christ to grow the Kingdom. There are many great things that we ‘can do’ as a church, but this is the one thing God has ‘called us’ to do.
The mission must be clear! It must be unchanging, and it must be consistently communicated. As we consistently share and live out the mission, God will draw the hearts of His people to unite together in purpose. As we unite together in following His lead, God will give us the resources and wisdom to accomplish what He has called us to do.
This week, I need to stay focused on living the mission, and sharing the vision.
God, thank you for the body of Christ! Thank you for the privilege of working together on this mission that you have given us! Help us to each see the mission, catch the vision, and unite together with one heart and purpose as we follow you!

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