God’s supernatural favor was on Isaac…but his fear prevented him from fully living in God’s favor.




Genesis 26:6-7

“So Isaac settled in Gerar. When the men of the place asked him about his wife, he said, “She is my sister,” for he feared to say, “My wife,” thinking, “lest the men of the place should kill me because of Rebekah,” because she was attractive in appearance.”


Isaac was the child of promise, and he was living in the promise of God. God was making a way, providing for him, blessing him, guiding him, and protecting him. Despite all of this…I see Isaac in this verse living a timid life, fearful of those around him. Instead of walking confidently as God led him, he was walking timidly in case he was attacked. Instead of living boldly in the unending provision of God, he was living fearfully and scheming to try to protect what he had. What a sad situation! God’s supernatural favor was on him…and yet his fear prevented him from fully living in God’s favor.


How often am I like Isaac? I am a child of God– living in his favor, and walking in his promise. His is fighting my battles, and opening doors. Yet I too have found myself walking timidly, living in fear instead of in the confidence of God’s perfect love for me.

God desires to lead me, to bless me, and to provide for me. If I am following him, then I have nothing to fear. His supply is not in danger of running out, and his strength is not reaching its limit.

This week, I need to fix my attention on the Father who loves me. I need to trust his love for me, and walk in confidence–because my confidence is in him.


God, thank you for your provision and favor in my life! Thank you for providing all that I need, and abundantly more than I need. Help me to truly place my confidence in you, so that I would live each day in the confidence of your love–instead of in the fear of my own weakness.


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