Faith is strengthened by the decision to glorify the creator in spite of adversity.

Psalm 135:5
“For I know that the Lord is great, and that our Lord is above all gods.”
Romans 4:20
“No unbelief made him waver concerning the promise of God, but he grew strong in his faith as he gave glory to God…”
The psalmist and Abraham both agree in their unwavering faith, that God is good and that he deserves to be praised. They had the opportunity to waver in unbelief, but instead chose to glorify God anyway. Their faith wasn’t strong because of easy seasons, but because of the struggle.
Faith is strengthened by the decision to glorify the creator in spite of adversity.
I want this kind of faith! This unwavering faith doesn’t come through a life of ease or an absence of struggle–but by walking with God through the fire, and watching his power at work when we are unable to change our circumstance.
This faith comes by making the conscious decision to glorify my Father even when I can’t see the solution.
His strength does not run short, his faithfulness has not been exhausted. My God has never failed me, and he never will!
This week, I choose to glorify God in every situation.
God, thank you for your faithfulness and your love! You have never failed me, and I know you never will. May my heart, my words, and my life be a testimony of praise to you.

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