Unified purpose and mutual accountability open the door for Kingdom growth.

 2 Chronicles 29:34
“But the priests were too few and could not flay all the burnt offerings, so until other priests had consecrated themselves, their brothers the Levites helped them, until the work was finished—for the Levites were more upright in heart than the priests in consecrating themselves.”
The people of God were turning back to Him, and a huge spiritual awakening was underway. The house of God was being cleaned, prepared, and consecrated, and the sacrifices were once again being offered to God. What an amazing moment for the king, the Levites, and the priests as they led the people back to their God!
Unfortunately the priests were caught unprepared. They didn’t expect that magnitude of a response from the people, and they didn’t expect to be truly needed for what was about to take place. Their casual and careless attitude led to a real problem, as their lack of planning began to hinder the move of God which was taking place. Their cavalier mindset hindered the worship of the people, and caused an unfair and improper load to be placed on the Levites.
The Levites stepped in to assist, but they held the priests accountable. They kept the process rolling, but they didn’t bend the rules or relax the expectations that God had set for the priests–instead they challenged the priests to step up their game. 
My attitude toward my calling will either work in harmony with God, or in opposition to Him. If I treat my calling and responsibilities casually or carelessly, I will hinder God’s work and cause an unfair burden to be placed on those who serve with me in God’s kingdom. I must treat the Gospel of Christ with the seriousness that it deserves, and do my part to prepare myself for a God-sized move of His spirit.
There will be situations when those around me are not ready for what God is doing–and I must be ready to fill in the gaps with a heart of humility. Not to cover up or gloss over lax behavior, but rather to come alongside them and help carry their load for a short season while raising the bar of expectation. God is not honored by a ‘not my job’ attitude, nor is He honored if I enable Kingdom leaders to coast along with a careless or casual attitude.
Unified purpose and mutual accountability open the door for Kingdom growth.
God, thank you for the privilege of serving in your kingdom! Help me to live daily with the care and intentionality that your gospel deserves, so that I would never become a hindrance to what you desire to do.
Help me to serve my brothers and sisters in Christ with humility, and consistently raise the bar of expectation in a way that glorifies you so that your purposes would be accomplished. 

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