Although we are called to walk in relationship, I must daily make sure that my relationships point people to the power of the Holy Spirit– rather than trying to become his replacement.




Luke 4:42-43

“And when it was day, he departed and went into a desolate place. And the people sought him and came to him, and would have kept him from leaving them, but he said to them, “I must preach the good news of the Kingdom of God to the other towns as well; for I was sent for this purpose.”


The people were responding…but Jesus had to leave. The people sought him…but Jesus must depart.


This seems so counter-productive to the mission of Christ.

Jesus knew a secret: His Good News was not constrained by his physical location, and indeed he would not be physically walking the earth much longer. He could not allow the present crowd to cost him his opportunity to share the Good News with the next community. He could not allow his present success to cost him his future success.


I am called to share the good news of Christ, with those who need hope. I love seeing people respond to the love of God, and watching lives be transformed–but even that cannot stop me or distract me from continuing to share the gospel! The power of the gospel is not in how I walk alongside someone, but in how they allow the Holy Spirit to work within them. Although we are called to walk in relationship, I must daily make sure that my relationships point people to the power of the Holy Spirit– rather than trying to become his replacement.


God, thank you for relationships and the daily presence of your Holy Spirit. Help me to daily fulfill the call to share your good news with others, and never let anything hinder that from happening. Thank you that the seeds of your word keep on growing long after being planted, as you bring increase!


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