Mark 4:14
“The farmer sows the word.” 
This chapter in Mark compares the word of God to a seed, and then repeatedly reminds us that seed is meant to be sown–not merely stored. Seed that is never sown, will never grow. 
God has entrusted a valuable resource to me: His word! If I allow it, it will grow and produce fruit in my life. The end goal though, is not that I would merely become more fruitful, with more and more seed stored up. The goal and intention is that I would plant the seed I’ve been given, so that the Kingdom would grow.
This week, I need to be faithful with the seed I’ve been given. I need to plant the seed of God’s word in the soil around me, and then let God’s Spirit do the work of causing it to grow. 
God, thank you for the amazing gift of your word! Help me to be effective in sharing your word with those around me, and planting seed so that your kingdom would grow. Help me to not just be a “store-er” of seed, but rather a “sower” of seed. 

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