Psalm 19:7
“The law of the Lord is perfect, refreshing the soul. The statutes of the Lord are trustworthy, making wise the simple.”
I’ve never really thought of laws as being “refreshing”! Those two things don’t really seem to even relate to each other…at first glance. The reason that God’s law is refreshing, is that it makes me better. His law comes from His heart of love for me. I may be simple, but His desire is that I would be wise…and so He has given me His law. 
I don’t always “prefer” to do things God’s way…that’s why I need His law to guide me. When I make the decision to obey God even despite my own preferences and desires, I reap the benefits that come along with His law. Though I am simple, I can walk in wisdom. Though I may feel discouraged and weary, I can be refreshed.
Obedience to God, leads to benefits for me. 
God, thank you for loving me enough to give me your law. Thank you that your law is rooted in your love for me! Help me to daily walk in obedience to you so that my soul could be refreshed, and so I can walk in wisdom instead of foolishness. 

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