Today’s SOAP devotional is brought to you by Rosalind Canite

Acts 14:22
“…strengthening the souls of the disciples, encouraging them to continue in faith and saying,”It is through many tribulations that we must enter into the kingdom of God.” 
The spirit of the world was and is opposed to the spirit of Christ, so they (the disciples) had to make up their minds to expect persecution and tribulations, as Paul endured when he was stoned and left for dead. Even in today’s world many are persecuted for Christ’s sake. At times I’ve asked myself how can I endure the coming days when my faith is tested. Am I ready? 
I am reminded to continue to seek a deeper relationship with my Savior at all times, and stay encouraged through His word. I may not have faced such severe persecutions and trials as Paul did, but I do know the days are coming to confirm my faith. I must continue to seek Him and encourage others as well so they too will be able stand strong for Christ. 
Thank you Father for your never-ending love. Thank you that I can make up my mind to expect persecutions and tribulations in various forms, but still remember your promise that you would never leave me. Help me to remain strong in faith so that when trials come I can meet them with fortitude, and stand unmoved in the cloudy and dark day. In Jesus name. Amen 

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