I know God’s love for me, and so I choose to react with eager anticipation when God is doing something that I don’t fully understand.

Hebrews 10:1
“The law is only a shadow of the good things that are coming–not the realities themselves. For this reason it can never, by the same sacrifices repeated endlessly year after year, make perfect those who draw near to worship.” 
The law is a shadow of good things. What an insight Paul had, in his perspective on God’s law! Where so many people saw only rules, judgement, and condemnation, Paul saw humanity’s need for redemption, and the promise of God’s sinless sacrifice yet to come.
Where others saw fear, Paul saw hope. 
Shadows give us a very incomplete picture–and so our reaction to the shadow is a result of our understanding of the thing casting the shadow. The very same shadow can fill our heart with anticipation or dread, depending on our understanding.
Our ability to know and understand God is limited, because He is God and we are not. When God moves, we can react with fear or anticipation depending on our understanding. The same God who gave the law to Moses, is the same God who loved me enough to pay the price I could not pay.
I know His love for me, and so I choose to react with eager anticipation when God is doing something that I don’t fully understand. 
God, thank you for daily revealing more of your heart to me, as I spend time with you. Thank you for being the sinless sacrifice, the ‘reality’ of which the law was only a shadow. I choose to trust your love, even when I don’t fully understand your plans. 

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