If we want to see the Spirit move in power, we must each do our part to create an environment where He is welcome.

1 Corinthians 14:12
“So with yourselves, since you are eager for manifestations of the Spirit, strive to excel in building up the church.”
Paul doesn’t discourage the church from seeking manifestations of the Spirit, but he does give some guidance. Instead of each one selfishly focusing on ‘their own’ gift, he instead told them to ‘build up the body’. As each one focuses on building up those around them, the Spirit will move. Verse 26 repeats this, “Let all things be done for building up.”
Life in the Kingdom is not a solo, it is a symphony. When we each seek our own glory, chaos ensues and the spirit of God cannot bless our work. When we each come with the heart of a servant, with unity of purpose and vision, the Holy Spirit is free to move and to manifest in supernatural ways. This week, I must seek unity of heart and direction in the body. In the way that I work and lead, ‘building up the body’ must be the focus–not personal advancement, personal vision, or personal acclaim.
I want to see the Spirit move in power! …and I must do my part to create an environment where He feels welcome.
God, help us to grow as a body, and help me to do my part to build up the family in unity, love, and maturity.
May you always be welcome to move and manifest your Spirit among us!

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