The nation mourned the passing of King Uzziah: But while the nation marked the season by tragedy, Isaiah chose to remember it as the season when he saw God’s glory.

Isaiah 6:1
“In the year that King Uzziah died I saw the Lord sitting upon a throne, high and lifted up; and the train of his robe filled the temple.”
If anyone had reason to grieve the passing of King Uzziah, it would have been the prophet Isaiah. Uzziah had started out so well as the sixteen year old monarch, on fire for God…but his heart had drifted, and he died a leper- judged by God for his sin. The nation mourned his passing, but while they marked the season by tragedy, Isaiah chose to remember it as the season when he saw God’s glory.
Tragedy is part of the journey of life…sometimes due to decisions made by me or others, and sometimes for no clear reason. It’s easy to let my focus and attention by consumed by the tragedies and turmoil–but God is still on his throne, and his glory still fills the temple. I can either focus on the turmoil, or keep my eyes on the God who sits on his throne.
This week, I choose to memorialize God’s goodness and his glory, rather than building memorials of grief and turmoil.
In the year that the king died…”I SAW THE LORD”.
God, thank you for your goodness through every season! Help me to keep my eyes on you, and mark the seasons in my life by your presence and your glory, rather than by the turmoil around me.

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