I was created for a purpose, and a purpose was created for me.

Ephesians 2:10
“For we are God’s handiwork, created in Christ Jesus to do good works, which God prepared in advance for us to do.” 
I was created for a purpose, and a purpose was created for me. There is a duality in the mission–not merely what I accomplish for God, but also the growth that occurs in me as I step forward into the calling He has prepared for me. 
God has given me life for a reason–not merely to pursue my own pleasure and satisfaction, but to ‘do’ that which He has called me to do. I cannot find true and lasting fulfillment, without saying ‘yes’ to the purpose He has for me. This purpose is not merely a task list which I must fulfill before leaving this life. The things which God has called me to do, were prepared for me by a heavenly Father who loves me. The task was prepared for me, as much as I was prepared for it. Instead of simply ‘checking the boxes’ on the list, God’s desire is to accomplish growth and transformation in me as I daily say ‘yes’ to Him.
What confidence this gives me when the task seems too large to handle!
This week I choose to say ‘yes’ to God. I choose to do what He’s called me to do, to the best of my ability-and I choose to say ‘yes’ to the growth that He is daily accomplishing in me. 
God, thank you for this assurance in your word–thank you for giving me a purpose, which you’ve prepared in advance for me. I choose to say ‘yes’ to you! ‘Yes’ to your calling, and ‘yes’ to the transformation that you are accomplishing in me day by day. 

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