How vital it is to know and stand firm on the word of God! His word is unchanging, and he doesn’t have trouble making up his mind.

1 Kings 13:18-19
“And he said to him, “I also am a prophet as you are, and an angel spoke to me by the word of the Lord, saying “Bring him back with you into your house that he may eat bread and drink water.” But he lied to him. So he went back with him and ate bread in his house and drank water.”
This man of God had received an urgent and specific word from God to deliver a message to the king and then return directly home without eating or drinking anything. He knew the word of God, yet allowed his course to be changed by this older prophet who falsely claimed to have an updated message from heaven. Though the lie was made by the older prophet, the one who paid the price was the man of God who diverted course to the more convenient path.
How vital it is to know and stand firm on the word of God! His word is unchanging, and he doesn’t have trouble making up his mind. Through my daily devotions, I have the opportunity to directly hear the voice of God on a daily basis–and despite countless voices telling me a more convenient word, God’s word stands unshakeable. The responsibility rests on no one but me, to know the word and the voice of God in my own life. I must know the word of God, follow the word of God, and not negotiate on the word of God.
God, thank you for your unchanging word, given to guide me steps. Help me to hear your voice clearly, not just to know your word but also to daily follow it and live it out–even when other ways would be more convenient.
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