Jesus taught his disciples not to let their season dictate their health. He showed them that it’s not ‘more holy’ to burn out and wear out. He reminded them that the success they were experiencing was because of God…not because of their own achievement.

Mark 6:30-31
“The apostles returned to Jesus and told him all that they had done and taught. And he said to them, “Come away by yourselves to a desolate place and rest a while.” For many were coming and going, and they had no leisure even to eat.”
Great things were happening, and God was ministering through the disciples in amazing ways. Miracles were being performed and people were turning to God! If ever there was a time to push harder, work longer hours, and seize the moment…this was it! But Jesus didn’t give them a pep talk about making sacrifices, or about working harder–instead, he told them to take a break! He taught them not to let their season dictate their health. He showed them that it’s not ‘more holy’ to burn out and wear out. He reminded them that the success they were experiencing was because of God…not because of their own achievement.
Some seasons are intense! When great things are happening and momentum is building, it’s easy to get excited and put my own health on the back burner–yet Jesus taught that my health and habits of rest should not be determined by my season. If I’m going to do things ‘His way’, then I must schedule time to rest and recharge. Pushing harder and harder past my limits is a sign that I believe it all hinges on me. Resting with intentionality is an acknowledgement that God is in control of the situation.
This week, I choose to honor God with my pace and rest habits–because He is God, and I am not.
God, thank you for this reminder of the importance of rest. Thank you that your strength is sufficient, and that you hold all things in your hands–the world doesn’t rest on my shoulders! Help me to be intentional with my pace, and never fall into the trap of thinking that everything hinges on me.

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