Revelation 6:11
“Then each of them was given a white robe, and they were told to wait a little longer, until the full number of their fellow servants, their brothers and sisters, were killed just as they had been.” 
I don’t like waiting patiently-particularly when something terrible is happening. These martyrs of Christ were told to wait until others met the same fate as them. There’s not even any detail given of exactly ‘why’ they had to wait, just a statement that it was necessary. 
God has a bigger strategy than I can glimpse from my limited perspective. All I can truly see are my experiences, my hurts, my wounds, and my surroundings. I want God to step in and give me justice now. Sometimes God’s response is “Wait! Just wait a little longer!”  I have to trust that he is still accomplishing the things that he desires, and that in the end he will be glorified. I have to submit my limited understanding to his limitless perspective. 
God, may you be glorified in my life. Even when I have suffered and endured injustice, may I trust your sovereignty and your timeline, and wait patiently with full confidence that you love me and are accomplishing your purposes through my life. 

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