The right way to see the Spirit move in power, is to build up the Body with love and Christ-honoring communication.
1 Corinthians 14:12
“So with yourselves, since you are eager for the manifestations of the Spirit, strive to excel in building up the church.”
This chapter deals with letting the Spirit move in a way which honors God. Paul’s caution is that we can become so focused on the moving of the Spirit, that we neglect to build up and edify the Body of Christ. Though tongues is a common and very visible display of the moving of the Spirit, tongues by itself and in absence of an interpretation accomplishes nothing in the building up of the whole Body. According to Paul, the right way to see the Spirit move in power is to build up the Body with love and Christ-honoring communication.
I want to see God’s spirit move in power! I want to see the gifts of the Spirit at work in the church, and God’s supernatural power on display. This chapter makes it clear that there are right and wrong ways to pursue the gifts of the Spirit. If we allow bedlam and pandemonium to become the normal state of things, then we may feel very spiritual…but God will not be glorified!
Instead, we must invite the movement of the Spirit by building up the people of God in love. An atmosphere of love, edification, and Christ-centered excellence in communication becomes an incubator to invite and nurture the manifestation of God’s power…in a way which honors Him.
This week, I choose to speak life into those around me and build up the Body in love. I choose to communicate with excellence so that the whole Body can grow, instead of merely settling for self-edification.
God, I want to see your Spirit move–and I want to live and walk in a way which honors and invites your presence! Help me this week to build up those around me, and to speak in love which builds up instead of knowledge which puffs up.
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