3 John 11
“Dear friend, do not imitate what is evil but what is good. Anyone who does what is good is from God. Anyone who does what is evil has not seen God.” 
Evil is the natural state of my heart-and without seeing God, I will do what is evil. Seeing God is more than just casually observing him passively from a distance. When I truly glimpse his majesty, his righteousness, his holiness, his truth…it cannot help but impact the state of my heart, and the decisions I make.
I cannot be saved by my actions, but my actions reveal the state of my heart. He is God, and I am not. But when I truly see him, I can choose to imitate him, and allow him to transform me. 
I am sinful and imperfect, but I can choose. I can choose to see God, or I can choose to look everywhere else besides him. I can choose who to imitate. Imitations are never as perfect as the original, but I can choose to imitate God. I can choose to let him daily transform my heart through the decisions I make, as I imperfectly imitate my father. My actions don’t save me, but they do reveal me.
Today, I choose to imitate Christ. I choose to let him be revealed in me.
God, thank you for allowing me to see you! Help me not to casually observe you, and remain unaffected by the process. Help me to imitate you in the words that I say and the decisions that I make, and may you be revealed in me each day. 

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