John 21:21-22
“When Peter saw him, he asked “Lord, what about him?” Jesus answered, “If I want him to remain alive until I return, what is that to you? You must follow me.” 
Jesus had just opened a conversation with Peter, reinstating his ministry after he had denied Jesus. Peter immediately became distracted by John, and started to change the subject. Jesus brought the conversation back on track, and told Peter that the only thing that truly mattered was whether Peter was following Christ–no matter what happened to those around him. 
It’s easy for me to get distracted. It’s easy to get wrapped up in all the things happening around me. It’s easy to get so outwardly focused that I take my eyes off of the only thing that matters for the eternal future of my soul–am I following Christ? If I get distracted from that one critical thing, then nothing else matters until I get that thing right-because that is the foundation on which all else must build.
Are those around me struggling? Perhaps…but am I following Christ?
Are those around me walking in blessing? That’s great! But am I following Christ?
Are those around me following other things, and walking away from God? That’s sad. But am I following Christ?
Are those around me living in victory and growing in God? That’s awesome! But am I following Christ?
God, thank you for this reminder of the “main thing”. Help me to hear you clearly, and follow you daily through every situation and every distraction. 

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