The Issue Isn’t The Issue

The Issue Isn’t The Issue

Hidden issues require divine wisdom, and a Spirit-led response. =============== Scripture Numbers 12:1-2 “Miriam and Aaron spoke against Moses because of the Cushite woman whom he had married, for he had married a Cushite woman. And they said, “Has the...
Room to grow, Protected to grow

Room to grow, Protected to grow

Kingdom service is about so much more than a task list—it is about serving each other, creating room for leaders to grow, and protecting the health of the Body. ========================== Scripture Numbers 8:25-26 “…from the age of fifty years they shall...
Walking With The Shepherd

Walking With The Shepherd

I choose to trust the shepherd’s love for me, and keep following Him even when His path leads through places I don’t want to walk–because I know His love for me has not run out. ======================= Scripture Psalm 23:3-4 “He restores my...
A Question of Ownership

A Question of Ownership

God’s authority and ownership of all that exists, must govern the way that I steward the things He’s entrusted to me. ================== Scripture Leviticus 25:55 “For it is to me that the people of Israel are servants. They are my servants whom I...
Unshakeable, Unchangeable

Unshakeable, Unchangeable

Paul had confidence in saying farewell, because he was not abandoning those he loved to their own devices–he was entrusting them to the care of the Holy Spirit, and the guidance of God’s Word. Scripture Acts 20:32 “And now I commend you to God and to...
Oil and Water

Oil and Water

God gave us the solution for our sin problem—we must allow His transformation, instead of tolerating unresolved sin in our lives. ========================================== Scripture Leviticus 7:19-20 “Flesh that touches any unclean thing shall not be eaten. It...