God’s blessings are not limited by his capacity to give, but rather by my capacity handle what he gives me. He knows my heart and my capacity, and so I must trust his sovereignty and his love for me when he defines the boundary of my blessing.
Numbers 34:1-3
1 The LORD spoke to Moses, saying, 2 “Command the people of Israel, and say to them, When you enter the land of Canaan (this is the land that shall fall to you for an inheritance, the land of Canaan as defined by its borders), 3 your south side shall be from the wilderness of Zin alongside Edom, and your southern border shall run from the end of the Salt Sea on the east.
God was giving an incredible blessing of inheritance to his people. He was fulfilling the promise made to Abraham, for which the Hebrew people had waited for so long! What an exciting time for them–but God doesn’t start by simply turning them loose to go and claim whatever land they desire. Instead, he begins by very clearly defining what portions of land will NOT belong to them.
Their ability to walk in God’s blessing, was directly related to their willingness to acknowledge the boundaries of what God would bless.
I can walk confidently in the blessings of God with absolute certainty that He loves me and desires to bless me abundantly. But His desire to bless me, does not give me the right to claim or demand his blessing in places that He has not given to me. There are boundary markers between the ‘blessed life’, and a life which God will not bless. When I demand what I want instead of surrendering to His sovereignty, I am effectively stepping beyond the boundary of my inheritance.
Walking in God’s blessing is not merely about claiming his blessing, or having faith to receive his blessing. Walking in blessing is about allowing God to define the blessings that he is putting into my hands. His blessings are not limited by his capacity to give, but rather by my capacity handle what he gives me. He knows my heart and my capacity, and so I must trust his sovereignty and his love for me when he defines the boundary of my blessing.
God, thank you for blessing me so generously! I don’t deserve your love, but I am grateful for it. Help me to walk confidently and not hesitantly in my inheritance, but with a clear understanding of the boundaries you have defined. You know my capacity to handle what you give me, and so I choose to walk humbly and trust you with the boundary markers.

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