1 Corinthians 11:20-22
“So then, when you come together, it is not the Lord’s supper you eat. For when you are eating, some of you go ahead with your own private suppers. As a result, one person remains hungry and another gets drunk. Don’t you have homes to eat and drink in? Or do you despise the church of God by humiliating those who have nothing? What shall I say to you? Shall I praise you? Certainly not in this matter!” 
Our time together as the Body of Christ is more than just social time, or a chance to get together and hang out with our clique. It is a sacred time for us to “be” the body, and to “function” as a body. It is a time for us to feed those who are hungry, heal those who are hurting, love those who are lonely, and provide for those facing poverty.
We glorify God, by taking care of His body. 
Paul was concerned about those slipping through the cracks in the church at Corinth. It’s easy to show up at church and love on those that I’m closest to, but what about the rest? Do I take the time to show Christ’s love to the whole Body, or merely to those that I’m closest to?
This week, I need to keep my eyes open to see the needs, and meet the needs around me. We are each members of the Body, and I want Christ to be glorified in the way that I treat his Body.  
God, thank you for the Body of Christ! Thank you for my church ohana, and the blessing that they are to me. Help me to honor you in the way I treat your Body, so none of your children would slip through the cracks due to my inattention. Thank you for empowering each of us, to be a blessing to those around us. 

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