God’s authority and ownership of all that exists, must govern the way that I steward the things He’s entrusted to me.

Leviticus 25:55
“For it is to me that the people of Israel are servants. They are my servants whom I brought out of the land of Egypt: I am the Lord your God.”
This entire chapter deals with the question of ownership: Who owns the crops? Who owns the land? Who owns the servants? The reminder in all of it is that God owns it all. The Israelites were not free to manage their fields, servants, crops, or immigration policy in just any fashion that they wanted…because it all belonged to God.
What a timely reminder, that everything I have belongs to God–not to me.
My home? It’s His.
My vehicles? Also His.
My wife? She’s His daughter.
My children? They belong to Him too.
My bank account, calendar, hobbies, friendships, and free time? Same thing!
When I remember who owns it all, it changes the way that I interact with life. I can’t simply lash out at others in anger…because they belong to Him. I can’t manage my finances carelessly, because it’s God’s bank account! I can’t neglect to spend time with my wife and sons, because they belong to the heavenly Father, and He has entrusted them to me…He cares about the way I care for them.
This week, I must acknowledge God’s authority and ownership of it all–and seek His wisdom and strength to manage what He has entrusted to me, in a way that pleases Him.
God, thank you for the many blessings you’ve given me! Help me to steward them well, and honor you in the way I live my life.

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