I don’t want to become so focused on the problems of this world, that I miss seeing my King. Today, I choose to be the watchman on the wall who is attentive to the present problems…but is eagerly watching for the returning King.
The King is coming!!!
Isaiah 52:8
The voice of your watchmen—they lift up their voice; together they sing for joy; for eye to eye they see the return of the LORD to Zion.
These chapters in Isaiah depict a time of judgement, sorrow, and mourning for children of Israel. And yet God says that the watchmen on the wall (those alert and looking for further calamity and danger) would see the approaching salvation of God–they would see the King returning to Zion!
What are my eyes watching for? It seems that trouble is everywhere–from the economy, to crime levels, to politics, to global tensions, to AI taking people’s jobs! No matter where I look, I can see good reason to be fearful about the future.
But what are my eyes watching for? Am I merely focusing on the present problems…or am I eagerly looking for the King? He is there to be seen, if I am watching for Him. He is actively at work in our world–saving, redeeming, transforming: And someday, He will come again in glory.
Are my eyes watching for Him? I don’t want to become so focused on the problems of this world, that I miss seeing my King. Today, I choose to be the watchman on the wall who is attentive to the present problems…but is eagerly watching for the King.
The King is coming!!!
God, thank you for your hand at work in the world today. Thank you for saving, for protecting, for redeeming, for transforming hearts, and for the promise of your return someday. Help me to keep my eyes focused on you, so I would not miss out on what you are doing. You have set me as a watchman: Not merely to alert people of present danger, but to call their attention to the return of the King!
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