God cannot fully bless a partially-surrendered heart.  The way that I invest myself into my marriage directly affects my relationship with God! If I am uncaring, unloving, disengaged, unintentional, distant, or even simply lazy in my marriage…it will impact my relationship with the Savior. He has blessed me with my marriage relationship as part of the fulfillment of His plans and purpose in my life–and I must see the health of my marriage as part of that divine ‘whole’.
1 Peter 3:7
“Likewise, husbands, live with your wives in an understanding way, showing honor to the woman as the weaker vessel, since they are heirs with you of the grace of life, so that your prayers may not be hindered.”
The marriage relationship is not separate from our relationship with God–it is intertwined and connected together with it. Lack of understanding, lack of proper intentionality in marriage indicates something amiss under the surface of our heart–and it will inevitably hinder us from healthy relationship and communication with the Father.
Too often I’ve viewed my marriage as something separate from my walk with God. At best this makes me see them as unconnected–at worst, it causes me to see them in competition.
This verse reminds me to see them as part of the same whole. If I am ‘one flesh’ with my wife, then allowing my marriage to exist as a separate thing from my relationship with God would mean that I’m withholding part of myself from Him…and he cannot fully bless a partially-surrendered heart.
The way that I invest myself into my marriage directly affects my relationship with God. If I am uncaring, unloving, disengaged, unintentional, distant, or even simply lazy in my marriage…it will impact my relationship with the Savior. He has blessed me with my marriage relationship, as part of the fulfillment of His plans and purpose in my life–and I must see the health of my marriage as part of that divine ‘whole’.
Today I choose to love God with my heart, my soul, my mind, my strength…and my marriage.
God, thank you for my wife! Thank you for entrusting this incredible blessing and responsibility to me. Give me wisdom to cultivate and strengthen my marriage daily, fully investing my heart in it. As I honor you daily in my marriage, I pray that you would hear my prayers and lead me into a closer relationship with you as my Lord.
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