God doesn’t need my expertise as a consultant or strategist. His word is certain and true–no matter the opposition or the obstacles.

Genesis 20:2
“And Abraham said of Sarah his wife, ‘She is my sister.’ And Abimalech king of Gerar sent and took Sarah.”
This guy just doesn’t learn! Just a few chapters ago Abraham pulled this same stunt with the king of Egypt, and now here he is doing the exact same thing again. He saw what God had given him, he knew what God had promised him, yet he didn’t believe that God could defend him long enough to fulfill the promise.
How often have I approached life with this same lack of faith? I see what God has done, and I know what he’s promised to do–then I panic, thinking that he’ll surely require my assistance in order to fulfill his promise!
God doesn’t need my expertise as a consultant or strategist. His word is certain and true–no matter the opposition or the obstacles. This week, I choose to trust God to sustain and defend me–and I trust Him to fulfill His promises.
God, I choose to trust you. Instead of settling for less than your best, I choose to rely on your strength to fulfill what you want me to do–knowing that you are faithful to accomplish what only you can do.

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