As a child of God, I can bring joy to the heart of my heavenly Father when I imitate his speech, his actions, and his love. Imitating my Father helps me grow into something greater, and it changes my own heart in the process.
Ephesians 5:1-2
Therefore be imitators of God, as beloved children. And walk in love, as Christ loved us and gave himself up for us, a fragrant offering and sacrifice to God.
‘Be imitators of God, as beloved children’: God’s children are to imitate the way that he loves, the way that he forgives, the way that he speaks truth, the way that he willingly gave himself up for us, the way that he conducts himself in all that he does.
I love when my sons imitate me! Whether it’s the way they fill their pockets with gadgets and tools before going out the front door, or the way that they speak when telling a story–it makes my heart so glad when they express their love and admiration for me as their father, by imitating me. As a child of God, I can bring that same joy to the heart of my heavenly Father when I imitate his speech, his actions, and his love. Imitating my Father helps me grow into something greater, and it changes my own heart in the process.
This week, I choose to imitate my Father in all I do. When I’m faced with a dilemma, I choose to run it through the filter of ‘how would my Lord respond?’ When I encounter an obstacle, I choose to look for a way to navigate as my Father would.
God, thank you for the example you have set for me! Help me to imitate you in all that I do–so that I would become more like you, and so that my life would bring you joy. I want you to be pleased when you see me!
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