Right harvest, requires right seeds.

Galatians 6:7-8
Do not be deceived: God is not mocked, for whatever one sows, that will he also reap. For the one who sows to his own flesh will from the flesh reap corruption, but the one who sows to the Spirit will from the Spirit reap eternal life.
Sowing and reaping: It’s a principle established by God from the beginning of time. The law of the harvest is that you always reap ‘what’ you sow, and you always reap ‘more’ than you sow. There is a compounding effect that takes place: The seeds harvested then become next year’s seed, to be planted and harvested again and again in an ongoing cycle.
I’ve reaped many harvests in my life- some good, some bad. But they are always a harvest of the seeds that I’ve planted! The harvest that I reap, reveals the kind of seed that I’ve planted. If I don’t like the harvest I’m reaping, I must choose to plant a different kind of seed. The problem is, my seed comes from my harvest! And so often I take the harvest that I don’t want, and plant it back in the ground…and reap an even greater harvest the next time.
The only place that the cycle of sowing and reaping can be broken, is at the time of sowing. The barn may be full of corn, but the farmer must choose to plant wheat if he wants wheat. My heart may be full of anger, but I must choose to plant peace if I want peace. The harvest of peace that I reap may be so small as to be laughed at…but that’s my seed for the next planting season. If I just keep planting peace, then eventually my harvest will be greater than whatever I had previously stored in my heart.
Keys for a right harvest: