Paul had confidence in saying farewell, because he was not abandoning those he loved to their own devices–he was entrusting them to the care of the Holy Spirit, and the guidance of God’s Word.

Acts 20:32
“And now I commend you to God and to the word of his grace, which is able to build you up and to give you the inheritance among all those who are sanctified.”
Paul is saying farewell to the elders of the church in Ephesus–reminding them of what they had been taught, and cautioning them about false teachers and divisive leaders who would arise. This had to be a difficult conversation for Paul as he said goodbye for the last time to these men in whom he had invested so much time, energy, and wisdom. Yet Paul had confidence in the farewell, because he was not abandoning them to their own devices–he was entrusting them to the care of the Holy Spirit, and the guidance of God’s Word.
When I love and care deeply about someone, it can be hard to let go–whether in parenting, or as a church leader. But God hasn’t called me to lead and develop people who are merely dependent on me–He has called me to raise children and develop leaders who are dependent first and foremost on Him. If I am doing my job right, then health and stability should continue when it comes time for me to say goodbye–because the Holy Spirit is enduring and never failing, and God’s word never changes.
This week, I need to point people to the sure foundation of God’s word and God’s presence.
God, thank you that you never change! Help me to daily rely on you, and teach others to rely on you as well–instead of teaching them to merely rely on me.
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