When the unity of the Body is at stake, we all have a responsibility to pursue unity and health.

1 Corinthians 1:10
I appeal to you, brothers, by the name of our Lord Jesus Christ, that all of you agree, and that there be no divisions among you, but that you be united in the same mind and the same judgment.
Even in the early church, there was conflict–because the church is composed of imperfect people. Paul didn’t shy away from conflict, instead he stepped forward straight into it for the purpose of fighting for the unity of the Body. He engaged the difficult conversations, so that the outcome would be strength and God-honoring health.
There is never a shortage of things to divide over. Each day there are opportunities to pursue my own goals and agenda and feed into conflict, or even merely sit back and watch conflict unfold. Scripture doesn’t teach us to get involved in all of each others personal disagreements or conflicts–but when the unity of the Body is at stake, we all have a responsibility to pursue unity and health. When one part of the Body hurts, the whole Body suffers. When one part of the Body is isolated or removed, the whole Body feels the loss.
When disunity and personal agendas begin to creep in, conflict avoidance doesn’t honor the Head (Christ).  This week, I need to be willing to engage hard conversations so the God-honoring unity would prevail.
Unity in the Body is worth fighting for.
God, thank you for unity as we each pursue a closer walk with you day by day. Give me wisdom when conflicts arise, so that I would be a courageous voice of unity in your family–not feeding into conflict, nor yet avoiding it…but engaging the difficult conversations so that your love, your peace, and your unity would prevail. 

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