The work of Calvary is finished and complete–but I need God’s presence in my life today.

Psalm 138:8
“The Lord will vindicate me; your love, Lord, endures forever–do not abandon the works of your hands.” 
David was a servant of the Lord, and had seen God do great things in his life–yet he knew that he still needed the ongoing work of God’s love in his life. The past things that God had done for him were not enough, he needed the presence and power of God in his life today
I have experienced so much grace and mercy from God! He has proven His goodness over and over again in my life. I’ve watched Him work miracles and provide for my needs when I could not help myself. The work of Calvary is finished and complete–but I need God’s presence in my life today. I can’t just fondly remember what God did in the past for me, and then plow through the rest of life on my own power.  I need to daily seek His presence, His power, His provision, and His peace in my life. His love endures forever–it didn’t run out at Calvary.  His love still carries me when I am weak, and comforts me when I am discouraged. His love still draws me back to him, when my attention wanders.
God, thank you for your love which never ends! Thank you for not abandoning me, for not growing impatient with my human imperfection. Thank you for giving me strength for the journey, and help me to lean on your strength each day instead of coasting on the memory of what you’ve done for me in the past. 

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