Jesus knew the agony before him, but his heart was focused on those he loved.

John 17
v11 “Protect them by the power of your name…so that they may be one as we are one.”
v15 “My prayer is…that you protect them from the evil one.”
v17 “Sanctify them by your truth; your word is truth”
v24 “Father, I want those you have given me to be with me where I am, and to see my glory…” 
This prayer is Jesus’ last prayer over his disciples before going to the cross. He knew the agony before him, but his heart was focused on those he loved. He prayed that the Father would:
  • Protect them…from the evil one
  • Unify them…as the Father and the Son were unified
  • Sanctify them…by his truth
  • Bring them…to where Jesus was
  • Show them…his glory
I want to experience all that Jesus desired for me, all that He prayed for me. These things were so urgently on his heart, that they consumed his focus and attention even as he approached what He knew would be the hour of his own death.
I want to walk in the shelter of the Father, safe from any evil force.
I want to live and walk in unity with the church, Christ’s body.
I want to be sanctified by the truth, as I immerse myself in the word of God.
I want to be where Jesus is, both in my life here on earth, and also in eternity.
…and I want to see the glory of God, as I keep my eyes open and attentive to glimpse God at work each day. 
God, thank you for loving me and paying the price for my sin. Help me to walk daily in ways that please you, and keep my heart aligned with yours so that I would experience the full measure of your power in my life. 

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