In the face of suffering and trouble, Jesus’ prayer was for greater glory to the Father- not for less suffering for himself.

John 12:27
“Now my soul is troubled, and what shall I say? “Father, save me from this hour?” No, it was for this very reason I came to this hour. Father, glorify your name!” 
Jesus knew the trial and suffering before him. He wasn’t looking forward to what was about to happen, but his prayer was for greater glory to God, not for less suffering for himself. 
What incredible transparency Jesus had! He knew his purpose and his mission, but his soul was troubled. He allowed his disciples and followers to glimpse the turmoil within him, but established that the ‘main thing’ was for the Father to be glorified.
It is normal and natural for my soul to be troubled when facing adversity and suffering. Christlike integrity and transparency requires me to be honest about that. But in the middle of trouble and turmoil, God can still be glorified if I refuse to let my own comfort and preferences become the ‘main thing’.
This week, I choose to let God be glorified in my life and even in my suffering.
I choose to keep Him as the ‘main thing’, rather than my own comfort level. 
God, thank you for this transparent glimpse into the heart of your son. Help me to live with this same integrity and intentionality–to acknowledge real challenges and even discouragement, but with a single-minded focus on bringing you glory through every season of my life. 

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