Health, life, and strength in the Body, starts in my own daily walk with God.

1 Timothy 5:4
“…if a widow has children or grandchildren, these should learn first of all to put their religion into practice by caring for their own family and so repaying their parents and grandparents, for this is pleasing to God.”
The church, the corporate gathering of believers, is the thing which Christ instituted and established on earth to carry on the mission of leading mankind to reconciliation with the creator. The church cannot corporately carry out its mission though, without believers who are each individually living out their faith, and putting their religion into practice at a personal level. 
I love the church! I love gathering with followers of Christ, people that I know and love and walk in unity with. I love seeing what can be accomplished when we work together for the glory of God! I love watching the transformative power of the gospel at work among us, as we share the good news of Jesus Christ with our community.
I love all these things–but the truth is that we cannot succeed corporately, if my personal walk with God does not reflect the same health, growth, and values.
Am I growing in God each day?
Am I caring for my family, the way God wants?
Am I investing from my own time and resources, to help those who need assistance?
Am I willing to be inconvenienced by the needs of others, so Christ’s love can shine through me?
Health, life, and strength in the Body, starts in my own daily walk with God. 
God, thank you for your church! Thank you for the privilege of gathering together as your children to learn, grow, and share the good news together. Help me to daily live out my love for you in practical ways. Show me the people in my life who need a helping hand. Show me how I can let your love flow through me in my own life, so that the Body would be strengthened and not weakened by my presence. 

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