The decision to love comes first, the harmony follows after.

Colossians 3:14
“And above all these put on love, which binds everything together in perfect harmony.” 
Christ gives the power, but my heart must be engaged. I must make the decision to kill the desires of the flesh. I must choose to put on the spiritual attributes that are pleasing to God-and I must resolve to love. This kind of love is a decision, not an emotion. It is an action which allows Christ’s power to flow through me, to impact those around me. 
Love is a choice. Before I loved Him, God chose to love me. His love holds things together in harmony, that would otherwise degrade to conflict.
This is the love that He instructs me to employ. The challenge is that this love doesn’t wait for people to be ‘lovable’…it simply loves anyway.
When there is tension at home, I must put on love. When there is discord at work, I must put on love. When there is conflict in the community, I must put on love.
The decision to love comes first, the harmony follows after. 
God, thank you for loving me–before I loved you. Teach me to make the decision to love, so that your love could impact the world through me. Help me to choose to love, even when it’s not the easy decision–in my family, at work, and in the community. Thank you for the power of your love, to bring harmony where there is conflict! 

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