His good news is too amazing to hold it inside–I’ve gotta tell someone!

Psalm 9:1-2
“I will give thanks to you, Lord, with all my heart; I will tell of all your wonderful deeds. I will be glad and rejoice in you; I will sing the praises of your name, O Most High.” 
The psalmist acknowledges how awesome God is, and expresses his gratitude directly to God. He doesn’t stop there though–it wasn’t enough for him to privately acknowledge what God had done–he wanted the world to know the greatness of God! 
God has done amazing things for me!
He has saved me, he has provided for me, he has protected me, he has forgiven me, he blesses me, and he daily gives me strength. I can’t tell him enough, how thankful I am! I want to express these things to God–and I also want the world around me to see him like I do! I want the world to catch a glimpse of his love, his majesty, and his power.
His good news is too amazing to hold it inside–I’ve gotta tell someone! 
God thank you for loving me, and for blessing me so abundantly! I don’t ever want to neglect telling you how grateful I am. Help me to seize every opportunity to share the good news of your love with those around me, so that they could see and experience you the way that I have!

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