I don’t control the future, but I can affect it by the way that I lead today.
Deuteronomy 34:9
“Now Joshua son of Nun was filled with the spirit of wisdom because Moses had laid his hands on him. So the Israelites listened to him and did what the Lord had commanded Moses.” 
There is a time to lead, and a time to pass the torch. Passing the torch is simply another part of the process of leading. Moses knew the time was fast approaching for him to pass the torch, and yet his desire for the well-being of God’s people reached beyond the date of his own departure. Because of this, Moses reached beyond the duration of his season to affect their course in future days. He sang a blessing over them, proclaiming God’s greatness and abundance over them–and he also invested into a young leader named Joshua, pouring wisdom into him that he would need for the days ahead.
The intentional way in which Moses set Joshua up and established him, caused the nation to give him their respect and allegiance. 
Every season has an end. Accepting God’s call and his anointing in this season, is to also care and prepare for the same mission under the next leader who will follow me. I don’t control the future, but I can affect it by the way that I lead today. I can speak blessing over those I lead. I can lead them closer to God, to be able to receive his blessing. I can watch for future leaders to raise up and invest in, who will pursue the mission beyond my own capacity and my own reach. Most of all, I can keep the main thing, the main thing in my own life–and walk honorably before God as an example to those who will come after me. 
God, thank you for your faithfulness in my life- faithfulness which will continue when I am gone. Help me to invest in those who will come after me-to speak your blessing over them, and to raise up leaders who are called by you and gifted to carry the torch into the next season. Thank you for the privilege of serving in your kingdom! 
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