Exodus 17:12
“When Moses’ hands grew tired, they took a stone and put it under him and he sat on it. Aaron and Hur held his hands up–one on one side, one on the other–so that his hands remained steady till sunset.” 
The Israelites were engaged in battle against the Amalekites, and Moses was leading the battle from a hilltop with the staff of God in his hand. Staff went up, Israel prevailed. Staff dropped down, Amalek prevailed. Aaron and Hur observed Moses’ arms becoming tired, and ran to help. They could have fought over who should carry the staff, or squabbled in order to take the credit and gain prestige. Instead, they recognized that the mission was more important than the question of who got the credit and the recognition. 
It’s nice to receive credit or recognition when I’ve worked hard on a project. If I allow that desire to influence my behavior and decisions though, the mission will be hindered. The mission is the important thing, not my own ego.
Like Aaron and Hur, I must be quick to support what God is doing–even when He is using someone else to accomplish His will. 
God, thank you for the privilege of serving in your Kingdom! Help me to always celebrate and support the victories and successes of others, instead of merely feeding my own ego. Help me to be quick to give credit, and swift to take blame–so that the mission may continue unhindered. 

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