Exodus 13:8,14
“On that day tell your son, “I do this because of what the Lord did for me when I came out of Egypt.”
“In days to come, when your son asks you, “What does this mean?” say to him, “With a mighty hand the Lord brought us out of Egypt, out of the land of slavery.” 
“Why, Daddy? Why? How come?”
This question is often heard in our house, and it seems that children in Moses’ time had the same habit. God told his people to establish habits and traditions which would call their attention back to the greatness of God, to capture the attention and curiosity of their children. The purpose and intention was not for it to become a boring, meaningless repetition “just because,” but rather that it would create opportunities to teach the next generation about the goodness of God. 
People often criticize “tradition”…because all too often we allow traditions to lose their heart and meaning, and become dry and empty repetition. In my home, I need to take the time to create habits and family traditions which bring our attention and focus back to God–so that my sons will learn of His greatness and goodness. This can’t happen though, if I become irritated or impatient with their questions and curiosity.
Consistent conversations about God, create opportunities for generational change. 
God, thank you for my family, and for the privilege of raising my sons! Help me to daily seize every opportunity to teach them your greatness–so that they may go on to serve you and carry your light to the next generation. 

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