Psalm 10:14
“But you, God, see the trouble of the afflicted; you consider their grief and take it in hand. The victims commit themselves to you; you are the helper of the fatherless.” 
God is not looking for those who have picked themselves up by their bootstraps. He does not just help those who help themselves. God sees the trouble of the afflicted, and he sees the plight of the victim. He helps those who cannot help themselves. 
I am so thankful to serve a God who cares. He is not waiting for me to fix my problems before I come to him. He is the helper of the fatherless. He sees the problems that are too big for me to handle, and he sees the problems that I have not yet seen. This week, I need to relax in His peace–trusting that He can handle the things that I cannot, and He loves me enough to step into my situation and work on my behalf. 
God, thank you that you care. Thank you that you are never caught off-guard, and you are never surprised by the events of my day. Help me to rest in the peace that you bring, trusting that you are big enough to handle whatever the day may hold. 

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