Psalm 5:2-3
“Hear my cry for help, my King and my God, for to you I pray. In the morning, Lord, you hear my voice: in the morning I lay my requests before you and wait expectantly.” 
David had stresses on his mind. It was morning, and he was “crying for help” from God. That sounds to me like the result of a long and sleepless night. Nevertheless, he was now putting it in God’s hands, and “waiting expectantly”. 
I’ve had sleepless nights, when the worries swirl and the anxieties pile up on top of each other in an overwhelming heap. Like the psalmist, I must choose to take all of those things and lay them before my Lord. Only then can I wait ‘expectantly’ for His provision.
This week, I need to make the decision to lay my cares, stresses, and worries at the feet of Jesus–and then wait expectantly, knowing that help and salvation is on the way. 
God, thank you that you can handle whatever I am facing. Whatever the stresses keeping me awake at night, you are strong enough to handle it. Help me to lay my burdens at your feet, and help me to wait in peaceful expectation for you to move. 
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