Romans 10:13-14
“Everyone who calls on the name of the Lord will be saved. How then can they call on the one they have not believed in? And how can they believe in the one of whom they have not heard? And how can they hear without someone preaching to them?” 
Salvation is freely available to everyone who calls on the name of the Lord. His infinite love and mercy is available and accessible to all. This amazing news must be shared! This life changing salvation story must be told, so that the world may call on the name of the Lord. Our savior has invited us to be a part of the process of sharing this amazing news with others. God doesn’t operate in our lives for us to just live in silent appreciation of Him–we must share His story with others!
God has been so good to me! He has been faithful through every storm and every season. He is there when I call on Him, and He is strong when I reach the limit of my own strength. How could I not share how good He is? How could I ever hold inside, the amazing greatness of His power and His mercy?
This week, I choose to tell God’s story.
This week, I choose to look for opportunities to tell people about His goodness!
God, thank you for your love, your mercy, your greatness, and your goodness. Give me boldness this week to share your story with those around me. Help me to seize each opportunity to tell the world about the savior who loved me and redeemed me! 

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