Nehemiah 10:39b
“We will not neglect the house of our God!” 
The people of God were turning back to Him. They had confessed their sins, praised His faithfulness, and pledged their obedience to God. The conclusion of their prayer is this short but powerful declaration: “We will not neglect the house of our God!”
They understood that it was not enough to privately and independently live for God behind the closed doors of their homes. Their love for God led them to care about the house of God–putting skin in the game, and ensuring that there was a place in their community where people could learn about, and talk with, the God of the universe. This was an act of obedience, and an investment in the spiritual health of their children and grandchildren. 
God has instituted the church for a reason. Not for a place to live (because now He lives in our hearts), but rather as a family and as a fellowship where we are able to come and meet God, learn about God, share about God, and establish a culture and covenant of obedience to God which will outlast my lifetime. My faithfulness in supporting my church fellowship is an act of obedience to God, and a covenant of faithfulness to not only follow God personally, but also establish a trajectory of obedience for those who come after me.
This week, I need to be intentional to support my church fellowship and church family–with my calendar, my resources, and my abilities. 
God, thank you for New Hope Legacy! Thank you for a place where I and my family can learn and grow in you. Thank you for a place where we can invest in your kingdom, to be a part of sharing the good news about your son with those who come after us! 

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