Luke 17:6
“He replied, “If you have faith as small as a mustard seed, you can say to this mulberry tree, ‘Be uprooted and planted in the sea,’ and it will obey you.” 
‘Planted’. It’s an interesting word that Jesus uses–I’ve seen trees planted in dirt, sand, mud, even bare rock…but I’ve never seen a tree planted in the middle of the ocean!  He doesn’t say that the mulberry tree would be ‘thrown’ into the sea…he says it would be ‘planted’ in the sea. Trees need something solid and firm in which to be planted.
Faith in God, no matter how small, is ‘enough’.  Faith in God is enough to call God’s supernatural power into the situation. Faith in God is enough to bring solidity where there is only shifting water currents and dark depths beneath.
There have been moments in life when I felt like I was adrift at sea. Nothing to hold onto, nothing to stay rooted in, nothing to stop me from drifting with the changing currents of water. This passage reminds me that my security in Christ is not dependent on the circumstances around me. My security in Christ is dependent only on His love for me, and my faith in Him. I don’t even have to feel like I have very much faith in Him…even faith the size of a mustard seed is enough to keep me firmly rooted in Christ, despite the water surging beneath me.
This week, I need to keep my faith centered on Christ. No matter the challenges or the struggles, no matter the changes or the unknowns–my faith must be unwaveringly fixed on Christ alone.
God, thank you for giving me faith! Thank you that the stability of my life is not dependent on how much or how little faith I feel like I have–but rather it is dependent solely on your unfathomably great power.  Thank you for drawing me to you, and help me to keep my attention, my hope, and my faith firmly fixed on you and nothing else.

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