Daniel 10:12
“Then he continued, “Do not be afraid, Daniel. Since the first day that you set your mind to gain understanding and to humble yourself before your God, your words were heard and I have come in response to them” 
God responds to a humble heart. When Daniel set his mind to “gain understanding,” instead of merely wanting to be heard, it caught God’s attention The result was that Daniel’s words were heard by God, as he humbled himself to hear God’s voice. 
I need to listen before speaking, and seek understanding before seeking to be understood. I need to approach God (and every part of life) with enough humility to value what is being said to me.
As I approach God with a humble heart to hear him, he will also hear me. 
God, thank you for speaking to me. Thank you for loving me enough to share your heart and your word with me.
Help me to walk in humility.
To listen before speaking.
To understand before trying to be understood.
Help me to hear your voice, discern your voice, understand your voice, follow your voice, and most of all…to obey your voice. 

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