Jeremiah 12:2-3
“You are always on their lips, but far from their hearts. Yet you know me, Lord; You see me and test my thoughts about you” 

John 12:30-31
“I will not say much more to you, for the prince of this world is coming. He has no hold over me, but he comes so that the world may learn that I love the Father and do exactly what my Father has commanded me”
There are struggles and situations that God allows me to encounter in life, to reveal the condition of my heart. These tests are not intended to push me past the breaking point and leave me injured and crippled, rather they are intended to reveal the hidden condition of my heart toward God and cause me to rely more fully on Him, so that the world will witness the depth of the love that we share. 
I don’t enjoy the testing process. It’s not fun, relaxing, or enjoyable. It is, however, an expected and normal part of walking with Christ. There are situations He allows me to face, which would overwhelm me if not for His strength inside me. My reaction and response to these tests, reveals the true state of my heart. Either the love that I share with the Father is strong enough to carry me through, or else hidden cracks in the foundation will be uncovered.
His love for me is perfect and complete. When flaws are revealed, they are not flaws in His love for me-they are rooted in flaws in my love for Him.
This week, I need to watch my heart in the struggles, and in the moments of testing. Not to beat myself up over the flaws revealed, but instead to decide in that moment to step closer to the Father, and deeper into love.
God, thank you for your love–love in the easy times, love which is revealed in the tough times. Reveal to me the flaws in my heart, and help me to walk daily close to you. May the world see you in me, through every situation!