Growing Strong in Faith

Growing Strong in Faith

Although I prefer the seasons when everything is going according to plan, those aren’t the moments when my faith is built. Rather–my faith has an opportunity to grow in the moments when my situation is the most precarious, and the future seems the most...


The change that Christ has brought to my heart must be communicated in the way that I speak, the way that I live, and the way that I interact–because I’ve experienced the power of God, and He has saved me! ====================   Scripture Romans...
The Pursuit of Knowing God

The Pursuit of Knowing God

At some point people will forget the projects I’ve worked on, the hobbies I’ve pursued, and the tasks I’ve completed. But I want to live and lead in such a way that my sons and those to whom I pass the baton in God’s kingdom will remember to...
The Dissenting Opinion

The Dissenting Opinion

It’s never fun to be the one to speak up in opposition to an idea, especially an idea from someone in authority. Yet that willingness to be the lone, unpopular voice of caution is the mark of a truly godly man. =============================   Scripture 1...
Broken and Contrite

Broken and Contrite

God isn’t just interested in the quantifiable metrics of my life–he’s looking at the state of my heart. Instead of trying to navigate life solely by the actions I perform, I must instead go back daily to the ‘heart stuff’....