The question is not “Do you think this will work?”, rather the question is “Do you trust me?”

Joshua 1:1-2
“After the death of Moses the servant of the Lord, the Lord said to Joshua son of Nun, Moses’ aide: “Moses my servant is dead. Now then, you and all these people, get ready to cross the Jordan River into the land I am about to give to them-to the Israelites.” 
Joshua had been appointed as the leader, and now Moses was dead. Joshua was in an in-between season. God had called him and he had said “yes”…but God had not yet spoken to him to give him direction on the next step. We don’t know how long this season lasted–it could have been a day, it could have been a year. All we know is that Joshua’s “yes” came before God spoke to give him the next step. God didn’t leave him hanging though. At the right moment God spoke–and Joshua and the nation walked across the Jordan river into God’s promise.
God doesn’t often give me direction before I say “yes” to Him. The call comes first–then comes the waiting. At the right moment, God speaks and the next step becomes clear. The challenge is in saying “yes” to God. The question is not “Do you think this will work?”, rather the question is “Do you trust me?” The outcome is in God’s hands, not mine. He simply desires that I trust Him, and surrender to His plan.
This week, I choose to say “yes” to God. I choose to trust the outcome to Him, I choose to let Him use my life as He sees fit.
God, I choose to say “yes!” to you!
Thank you for the confidence of knowing that you hold my future. May your plans be accomplished in and through me, as I surrender my life to you.

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