David walked with confidence in his calling, and used the place and influence God had given him to bring glory to God.
Psalm 18:43,49
“You have delivered me from the attacks of the people; you have made me the head of nations. People I did not know now serve me.”
“Therefore I will praise you, Lord, among the nations; I will sing the praises of your name.”
God had accomplished amazing things in the life of David, giving him not only a throne-but a place of honor and authority among the known world of the day. It was a perfect place for David’s pride to grow and consume him–and yet he remained humble. He walked with confidence in his calling, and used the place and influence God had given him to bring glory to God.
God has put me exactly where I am, at exactly this time, for a reason. Not for me to walk timidly, but to walk with confidence. Not for me to draw glory to me, but to give all glory to him. The circle of influence He’s given me, has been entrusted to me so that I would point people to the Savior.
God, thank you for guiding my steps! Thank you for putting me right where you want me, to do exactly what you’ve called me to do. Thank you for giving me all that I need, to accomplish what you’ve called me to do for today. In every season and every situation help me to point hearts to you–because you alone deserve the glory! 
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